Spring 2018 – We’re trying something new for Season 2!
3 shows, (Spring, Summer, Fall/Winter)… also new for 2018 @PEACELOVEANDSOUP on Instagram.
On this episode we’re focusing on Storytellers!
We talk with New York Times best selling author, educator and activist, Renee Watson.
http://www.itooarts.com/Native to Portland, but now living in NY, she writes “realistic fiction” and poetry centered around the lived experiences of black girls and women, exploring themes of home, identity, and the intersections of race, class, and gender.
Also on today’s show we spent an afternoon with ceramicist, storyteller, herbalist and humanitarian, Baba Wague Diakite.
BABA WAGUE @: babawague.wordpress.com and www.kofalen.org
He talks about the importance of storytelling, and it’s uses to educate as well as entertain, and how this age old tradition was handed down for generations in Africa.
Originally from Mali, Wague has been living in Portland, Oregon for many years with his wife and daughters.
His eldest, Penda Diakite, is also an author and artist, as well as a clothing designer. She reads us her original story “ I Lost My Tooth in Africa” written when she was just 12 years old.PendaDiakite.com
pendawear.comBaba Wague also teaches us how to make Tiga Dege Na or West African Peanut Soup.
Our “Did You Know” segment will be all about peanuts! We share some truly fascinating information about yet another humble everyday food staple taken for granted.
All the music featured on this episode is by Portland musician, Jonny Cool. You can find him here: www.jonnycool86.com
https://m.soundcloud.com/jonny-coolWe’ve titled this episode Scrabble Soup! Like the popular game, but instead of connecting letters to form words we edit individual stories to make our podcasts.
Wherever you may be, join us at our communal table and enjoy this bowl of Scrabble Soup !
Peace, Love and (of course) Soup!
Brian & Tavé
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